“Ashtanga yoga” is a most of people similar with word Ashtanga and Hatha in even in India just we will call with these two names only either Hatha Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga. ‘Ashta’ means ‘Eight’ , ‘Anga’ means ‘Limbs or Parts’ Yoga,
So the yoga which contains eight parts in it is Ashtanga, the eight parts are
- Yama
- Niyama
- Asana
- Pranayama
- Pratyahara
- Dharana
- Dhyana
- Samadhi
So this all eight part together is called Ashtanga Yoga, but usually people are thinking just practice and postures is Yoga. just practice and postures is not Yoga so practicing postures, breathing exercise are very important things is meditation. so practicing this all things including Yama and Niyamas.
This method of yoga involves synchronizing the breath with a progressive series of postures-a process producing intense internal heat and profuse, purifying sweat that detoxified muscles and organs.
In Ashtanga Yoga we focused mostly on the shoulders, thighs, back part of your body like buttocks and thighs.
Physically Benefits
- It makes strong body.
- it makes good circulation of blood.
- It develops strength and flexibility, tones muscles lubricates joints, massages internal organs and release chronic tension.
- It helps weight loss as well.
Mentally benefits
- It makes calms restless thought.
- It promotes inner peace.
- It makes supports mental clarity.
- It helps promotes self-awareness.
(Cardio) Sun-Salutation
- Samsthiti (Tadasana) Now come front on your mat and take namaskar mudra front on your chest.
2. Urdhva Hastasana: Take deep breath inhale and stretch your arms towards the selling, interlock your thumb palms together, stretch your arms behind your ears, raise your chin and look at the selling.
3. Padahastasana: >Exhale and fold forward over your legs. Your fold should originate in your pelvis as opposed to originating in your back.
>Inhale as you raise your upper body so you are up on your fingertips. Your back is flat.
4.Chaturngadandaasana: Inhale bend your knees and exhale jump back come in to dandasana. make sure your body should be in line.
5. Urdhva Mukh Shvanasana: Inhale role your shoulder back then lift up your chest and chin until navel, toes release make sure you’re both elbow your diaphragm if you can rise your chin up and look up.
6. Adhomukhaswanasana: Then inhale tuck your toes, knees off the floor, press your palms and push your body towards your heels, separate your foot hip distance apart. Here 5 deep breathe in and exhale should be longer mouth.
7.Padahastasana: Inhale bend your knees and exhale jump forward come in to padahastasana.
7. Urdhva Hastasana: Inhale all the way up arch back come to hasta uttasnasana.
8. Samsthiti (Tadasana): And exhale take namaskar mudra front of your chest and now come samsthiti.