‘Ha’–Represents solar energy and ‘Tha’–represents lunar energy. Means ‘sun energy’ and ‘moonenergy’. The human body combination of solar and lunar energy. solar energy is the life of human being and lunar energy is the emotions, feeling are lunar energy. The purpose of doing this yoga is balancing this two energy in the whole body or system.
We have one more meaning like “Hatha” means ‘Holding’ breath in or out and holding the posture as long as you can. we have to focus on these two things, it should not ‘Hatha’ yourself but you should keep patience as long as you can and your whole mind should focus on the particular part where you feeling stretch or pain and if there is no such things your attention must be with your breath. that is most important things if you not aware of breath and you’re doing postures we can not say it is yoga, it is just an exercise. Yoga means it is not exercise; Yoga is an ancient art of India to cultivate human life, to cultivate health, to cultivate happiness , to cultivate peace of mind and spiritual wisdom and finally enlightenment or samadhi.
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