“Hatha Yoga” in this word ‘Hatha’

‘Ha’Represents solar energy and ‘Tha’ represents lunar energy. Means ‘sun energy’ and ‘moon energy’. The human body combination of solar and lunar energy. solar energy is the life of human being and lunar energy is the emotions, feeling are lunar energy. The purpose of doing this yoga is balancing this two energy in the whole body or system.

We have one more meaning like “Hatha” means ‘Holding’ breath in or out and holding the posture as long as you can. we have to focus on these two things, it should not ‘Hatha’ yourself but you should keep patience as long as you can and your whole mind should focus on the particular part where you feeling stretch or pain and if there is no such things your attention must be with your breath. that is most important things if you not aware of breath and you’re doing postures we can not say it is yoga, it is just an exercise. Yoga means it is not exercise; Yoga is an ancient art of India to cultivate human life, to cultivate health, to cultivate happiness , to cultivate peace of mind and spiritual wisdom and finally enlightenment or samadhi.


Physical benefits

  • Improve flexibility and muscles joint mobility.
  • Strengthens, tone, and build muscles.
  • Strengthens spine.
  • Increase the stamina.
  • Stimulate the glands of the endocrine system.
  • Improve the digestion.
  • Improve the heart condition.
  • Improve the breathing disorders.
  • Decrease cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
  • weight loss.

Mental benefits

  • Increase body awareness.
  • Relieves chronic stress patterns in the body.
  • Refresh here body by relieving muscle strain.
  • Improve the concentration and frees the spirits.


  1. Namaskar Mudra: 
(OM MITRAAYA NAMAHA) Come on the front of your respected mat; Inhale both hands up and Exhale take namaskar mudra in front of your chest. focus on “ANAHATA CHAKRA”.

2. Hasta Uttanasana:

 (OM RAVAYE NAMAHA)Take a deep breath inhale both hands up and Exhale go Backward bending come Hasta Uttanasana. Focus on “VISHUDHI CHAKRA”

3. Padahastasna:

 (OM SURYAYA NAMAHA) Exhale lean forward from the pelvic. Adjust your palm beside your feet come in to Padahastasna. Focus on “MANIPURA CHAKRA”

4. Ashwasanchalana:

 (OM BHANAVE NAMAHA) Now inhale bring your right foot back, look forward keep your right knee straight make sure your left knee and your ankle should be in a line push your right hip forward. Focus on “ANAHATA CHAKRA”

5. Dandasana:

 (OM KHAGAYA NAMAHA) Exhale take your left foot back come in to dandasana if you can look forward or look down. make sure your body should be in line. Focus on “SAHASARARA CHAKRA”

6. Ashtanganamaskar: 

(OM PUSHNE NAMAHA) Now exhale drop both knee, chest and chin together down on the floor. And focus “THE WHOLE BODY

7. Urdhwamukhaswanasana:

 (OM HIRANYAGARBHAYA NAMAHA)Inhale role your shoulder back then lift up your chest and chin until navel, toes release make sure you’re both elbows beside your chest if you can rise your chin up and look up. Focus on “SWADISHTHANA CHAKRA”

8. Adhomukhaswanasana

(OM MARICHAYE NAMAHA) Then inhale tuck your toes, knees of the floor, press your palms mad push your body towards your heels. Separate your foot hip distance apart. Open your shoulder, check your breath relax your belly, exhale suck your belly in, press your heels towards the floor. Focus on “SAHADRARA CHAKRA”

9. Ashwasanchalanasana:

 (OM SAVITRE NAMAHA)Inhale bring your right foot forward, look forward keep your left knee straight make sure your right knee and your ankle should be in a line, push your left hil forward. Focus on “ANAHATA CHAKRA”

10. Padahastasana :

(OM ARKAYA NAMAHA)Now exhale bring your left foot forward come in to padahastasana. Focus on “MANIPURA CHAKRA”

11. Hasta Uttanasana:

(OM ARKAYA NAMAHA) Now exhale bring your left foot forward come in to padahastasana. Focus on “MANIPURA CHAKRA”

12. Namaskara mudra

(OM BHASKARAYA NAMAHA) Now exhale come to namaskar mudra front on the chest and release. focus on “ANAHATA CHAKRA”


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